Adjunct Professors

Rhonda Bathurst

Rhonda Bathurst

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Executive Director, Museum of Ontario Archaeology
Museum of Ontario Archaeology
519-850-2565 and 519-661-2111 x 82565

External link
Jerome Cybulski

Jerome Cybulski

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Bioarchaeology, Paleopathology, History of research in Canada, Northwest Coast and Plateau, Ancient Egypt, Public Outreach
Canadian Museum of History
Regna Darnell (Emeritus)

Regna Darnell (Emeritus)

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Ecosystem health, Public health, Language and culture, Gender and migration, Indigenous knowledge
SSC 3331
(519) 661-2111 x 85589
Jordan Downey

Jordan Downey

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Landscape approaches to studying the long-term development of complex societies; Andean archaeology; use of digital technologies (GIS, photogrammetry, R, etc.) for spatial and quantitative archaeology; ceramic seriation; lithic technologies; CRM archaeology in North America
Assistant Professor (2018-19), St. Francis Xavier University

Rick Fehr

Rick Fehr

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Social and Cultural responses to extraordinary events; Indigenous and Settler narratives; Indigenous biography; Historical ecology
519-661-2111 x 85349

Shari Forbes

Shari Forbes

Adjunct Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: forensic taphonomy, decomposition chemistry, time since death estimation, vertebrate scavenging, bone chemistry
Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Windsor

Alicia  Hawkins

Alicia Hawkins

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Collaborative and Indigenous archaeology, Ontario archaeology, zooarchaeology, ceramic technology, glass bead chemistry, GIS
Associate Professor University of Toronto

Dan Jorgensen (Emeritus)

Dan Jorgensen (Emeritus)

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Papua New Guinea, anthropology of religion, Mobile Telephony, Christianity, Mining in Melanesia
SSC 3314
(519) 661-2111 x84702
Casey Kirkpatrick

Casey Kirkpatrick

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Bioarchaeology and archaeology, dental anthropology, age estimation, bioinformatics, paleopathology, paleo-oncology, Ancient Egypt and Nubia.
Paleo-oncology Research Organization / Ancient Cancer Foundation;

Corey Maggiano

Corey Maggiano

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Physical Antrhopology, Bioarchaeology, Skeletal Biology, Isotopic Anthropology; Mexico/Maya, Egypt; Histomorphometry, Bone Growth and Development
Department of Anthropology, University of West Georgia

Nadia Meinerz

Nadia Meinerz

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Brazilian Anthropologist; specialized in Gender, Sexuality and Disability StudiesInterested in the dialogue between Ethnography, Art and Activism
Jean-François  Millaire

Jean-François Millaire

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Archaeology of the Andean region * early complex societies * settlement patterns * ritual practices * textiles * GIS ** Peru
Décanat de la recherche et de la création Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Ana Ning

Ana Ning

Adjunct Research Associate Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Medical Anthropology/Sociology, Addictions and Mental Health, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Integrative Health Care, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Issues of Evidence Bases, Global Health and Human Rights, Social Theory, Science and Technology
Department of Sociology, King's University College at Western
519-433-3491 x4576

External link
Charles E. Orser, Jr.

Charles E. Orser, Jr.

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Historical archaeology, eastern North America, race, slavery and maroonage, political economy, colonialism
Senior Historical Archaeologist, TMHC
Editor, International Journal of Historical Archaeology
External link
Amedeo Sghinolfi

Amedeo Sghinolfi

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Archaeology of the Central Andean region (Peruvian North Coast, Peruvian Northern Highlands), settlement pattern analyses, prehistoric borderlands, remote sensing, photogrammetry, and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in archaeology
Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: collaborative anthropology, political/legal anthropology, Korean studies, urban anthropology, ethnohistory, Indigenous studies, science studies and history of anthropology
Paul Szpak

Paul Szpak

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: table isotopes, palaeoecology, historical ecology, archaeological science, environmental archaeology, bone chemistry, palaeodiet, domestication and animal husbandry; North American Arctic, Peru and Chile, British Columbia, California
Department of Anthropology, Trent University

Theresa  Topic (Emeritus)

Theresa Topic (Emeritus)

Adjunct Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Andean civilizations, women in prehistory, ancient warfare, gender dynamics & household organization, oracles as political agents, anthropology of the family, craft specialization

External link
Ron Williamson

Ron Williamson

Adjunct Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Northeastern/Mid-Atlantic archaeology, Cultural Resource Management, Indigenous archaeology, Wendat history and archaeology, History of Ontario archaeology