MA Graduate Students

Samantha Albanese

Samantha Albanese

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Peter Timmins

Research Interests / Specializations: Middle Woodland Period in the National Capital Region, Digital Archaeology, and Gatekeeping and Accessibility in Archaeology
Daniel Amacker

Daniel Amacker

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Andrea Waters-Rist

Research Interests / Specializations: Bioarchaeology, age estimation methods, dental analysis, skeletal biology, and human evolution.
Rawand Amsdr

Rawand Amsdr

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisors: Lindsay Bell & Randa Farah

Research Interests / Specializations: Visual ethnographic methods, Civilian photography, Humanitarian responses/intervention, Areas of conflict
Hanne Andersen

Hanne Andersen

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Andrew Nelson

Research Interests / Specializations: Bioarchaeology, mummies, paleopathology, trauma and violence, mortuary archaeology, taphonomy, zooarchaeology
Natascha Beisswenger-Mooney

Natascha Beisswenger-Mooney

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Trish Markert

Research Interests / Specializations: archaeology (historic and indigenous), migrant identity negotiation and narration, material culture, archival records, photogrammetry, community based research
Isaac Bender

Isaac Bender

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Lisa Hodgetts

Research Interests / Specializations: Remote Sensing and Geophysics, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning for Archaeological Reconnaissance, Public/Community Archaeology, Arctic Archaeology
Sarah Bidinosti

Sarah Bidinosti

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Andrew Nelson

Research Interests / Specializations: Bioarchaeology, mortuary practices, osteology, paleopathology, violence & crime, societal structures & inequality, ethical & sustainable archaeology, decolonization
Sarah Bolstridge

Sarah Bolstridge

Intensive Applied Archaeology - Thesis Supervisor: Neal Ferris

Research Interests / Specializations: Post 1870s sites, materials &CHVI since the implementation of the Standards & Guidelines in Ontario
Sabrina Cherian

Sabrina Cherian

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Jay Stock

Research Interests / Specializations: Evolutionary anthropology, global health, diet and phenotypic adaptation, genetic susceptibility to disease
Robyn Flanders

Robyn Flanders

Applied Archaeology - Thesis Supervisor: Neal Ferris

Research Interests / Specializations: Accessibility in Archaeology, Historical Archaeology, museums, Indigenous Archaeology in Ontario, and 1700-1800s European sites
Mathew Gibson

Mathew Gibson

Aplplied Archaeology - Thesis Supervisor: Neal Ferris

Research Interests / Specializations: Material culture in settler period Ontario
El Gillies

El Gillies

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Trish Markert

Research Interests / Specializations: language revitalization, folklore and oral traditions, the Scottish diaspora, community-based archaeology, systems of oppression, decolonization
Dana González Zavala

Dana González Zavala

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Neal Ferris

Research Interests / Specializations: Indigenous Archaeology, Late Woodland period in Southwestern Ontario, Museums and Heritage, Material Culture and Data Consolidation
Yadixa Guardia

Yadixa Guardia

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Tania Granadillo

Research Interests / Specializations: Revitalization of Indigenous languages, Gunadule therapeutic songs, Dulegan language ecology, Climate change and Conservation, Archaeology
Rojah Hajimirzakhani

Rojah Hajimirzakhani

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Randa Farah

Research Interests / Specializations: The Middle East and North Africa, Orientalism, Palestine, collective identity & memory, diaspora, material culture, nationalism, colonialism/settler-colonialism, culture as resistance
Halee Hawkins

Halee Hawkins

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Pamela Block

Emily Henry

Emily Henry

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Lisa Hodgetts

Research Interests / Specializations: Indigenous archaeology, the Canadian Arctic, digital archaeology, community based research, visual and material culture, community heritage management, museums, knowledge transmission
Santiago Izaciga-Vega

Santiago Izaciga-Vega

Sociocultural & LInguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Karen Pennesi

Research Interests / Specializations: Cultural Anthropology, Performance/Performativity, Self-Making, South and Mezo-America, the Anthropology of Music, and the Anthropology of Horror
Lance Jacobs

Lance Jacobs

Applied Archaeology - Thesis Supervisor: Peter Timmins

Research Interests / Specializations: Sweat Lodges from the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations) culture and studying the religious practices of the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations) Culture
Bryn James-Cavan

Bryn James-Cavan

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Pamela Block

Research Interests / Specializations: Caregiving, disability, infectious disease, colonialism, gender and sexuality.
Blair Kingdon

Blair Kingdon

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Andrew Walsh

Research Interests / Specializations: Transportation Ideology, Identity, Built Environment, Active Transportation, and Environmental Conservation
Rebecca Lahosky

Rebecca Lahosky

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Jay Stock

Research Interests / Specializations: Bioarchaeology, human evolution, evolution of bipedalism, phenotypic plasticity and regional variability
Cristina Lama

Cristina Lama

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Jay Stock

Research Interests / Specializations: bioarchaeology, skeletal biology, paleoanthropology, paleopathology, human evolution, phenotypic plasticity
SSC 3306

Katie Lewis

Katie Lewis

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisors: Lisa Hodgetts & Andrea Waters-Rist

Research Interests / Specializations: Indigenous archaeology, Canadian Arctic and subarctic, zooarchaeology, stable isotopes, subsistence patterns, migration and mobility
SSC 3303

Kate Mahoney

Kate Mahoney

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Kim Clark

Research Interests / Specializations: Institutional ruling relations, public health, policy, nursing, and the privatization of Canadian health care
Kun Mu

Kun Mu

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Randa Farah

Research Interests / Specializations: International Migration, Social Integration of Ethnic Groups, Cross Cultural Comparison of Beliefs
SSC 3304

Lauren Poeta

Lauren Poeta

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology- Thesis Supervisor: Andrew Nelson

Research Interests / Specializations: Mummies, bioarchaeology of childhood, osteology, paleoradiology, feminist archaeology, non-destructive archaeological techniques, Andean archaeology, Peru
Sorcha Rountree

Sorcha Rountree

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Andrew Nelson

Research Interests / Specializations: Peruvian mummies, Cranial modifications, Knowledge mobilization, and Geology (specifically stratigraphy)
Emma Schur

Emma Schur

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Greg Beckett

Research Interests / Specializations: Gender, Health, Violence, Gender-Based Violence, Medical Anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, Post-Colonialism, and The Caribbean
Holly Scott

Holly Scott

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Karen Pennesi

Research Interests / Specializations: Language and identity, language and social justice, discourse analysis, verbal art, genre
Rory Succee

Rory Succee

Archeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Trish Markert

Research Interests / Specializations: Bioarchaeology, mortuary practices, mortuary art and architecture, migration, archaeology of migration, and decolonization
Anonya Tanchangya

Anonya Tanchangya

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Lindsay Bell

Research Interests / Specializations: Indigenous women, traditional knowledge, labor rights, environment, postcolonial states, development
Chloe Vicente-Sarmento

Chloe Vicente-Sarmento

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Andrew Nelson

Research Interests / Specializations: Bioarchaeology, mortuary and funerary archaeology, burial practices, human osteology, societal practices and norms
Kate Woodley

Kate Woodley

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Andrew Nelson

Research Interests / Specializations: Peruvian bioarchaeology, bioarchaeology of care, paleopathology, physical trauma, mummification, forensic identification